Devoted readers have surely noticed a decrease in posting frequency of late. There are a couple reasons for this, but one of the most significant contributors has been my increasingly-full time testing of the TypePad authoring and hosting environment for weblogs. And, with two days left on my extended trial period, I have decided to take the plunge. Effective today, all of my personal posts will appear at the "new" WebBP ( I invite you to make your inaugural visit. Any bookmarks you have to will automatically resolve to this new site.
What will become of this present site ( A fair question. I haven't figured everything out yet, but I can tell you this much:
- It will not be going away. Recognizing that more than 80% of a site's value is in its old content, I will continue to keep this site live. Every day, people reference my old posts on European travel, Brand Oregon and many other other topics.
- It will continue to be an important part of the WebBP Media landscape. I will likely continue to use this site for longer posts (essays and stories and such) due to the better formatting afforded to such posts by Userland Manila.
- Posting volume may decrease on this site initially, but rebound as I reposition its content to that of a more general interest professional information tool.
Your comments, questions, insights and ideas are welcome now and always. I want to thank you for all of your loyalty over these past three years and look forward to a continued relationship in the future.
If you would like to be informed when is relaunched, or to be in the know about other developments at WebBP Media, join our Y! Group or subscribe to the (low volume) mailing list.